Roster Volunteers is an online volunteer scheduling system designed to be extremely quick and easy to use. Your volunteers are already volunteering their time to work for you and should not have to spend a lot of time just to let you know when they are available.
The basic concept is that members simply check or uncheck boxes in order to mark their availability. Logging in is even made easier with auto-login links included in system emails. Members can also view the schedule, or the list of volunteers and which positions they can fill in order to facilitate covering or exchanging shifts due to unforeseen circumstances.
Scheduling is made easy by simply selecting a name from a drop down list for each position, and the names are ordered by an algorithm that puts volunteers at the top if they have not been working much lately. There is even an auto scheduling feature where the scheduler simply selects dates and times and which positions are to be filled and the system does the rest, fairly distributing the workload among available volunteers.